We have designed donation packages that will support the journey of a Happy Child – from the time they enter our facility until they find their permanent home
Where Your Money Will Go
Newborn to 1 Year Old
Until they reach 1 year old, babies will need constant monitoring and consistent feeding and vitamin intake. Regular visits to the pediatrician is a must. Your donation will cover all expenses related to interventions recommended by our Social Worker across all programs until they reach the age of 1 year old.
1 to 3 Years Old
As our resident children grow older, 1 to 3 year olds shift to more solid food. They also become more active and development is at a faster pace. Your donation will continue to cover interventions offered under all our programs, with more focus on homelife and health.
3 to 6 Years Old
Children aged 3 to 6 years old are now pre-schoolers. Milestones escalate with complex physical and behavioral developments. Your donation still covers all interventions under our programs as recommended by our Social Workers, with more emphasis on education and homelife.